Marine Biologist | Photographer | Freediver​
Lennart Vossgaetter

At the age of 11, Lennart wrote in an english exam that, one day, he wants to become a „Sharkforscher“ (e.g. shark scientist, didn’t know the english term for scientist yet). Ever since, he has followed that passion, became a scuba diver the same year, studied marine biology in Florida, U.S., a global hotspot for shark science, and is now completing his Master of Science degree about the demographics of a yet scientifically undiscribed tiger shark population on a remote island in the Indian Ocean.

Through pictures and videos, Lennart tells the stories of endangered species, their beauty and why they are worth protecting. The most natural way of achieving photographs of peaceful encounters with ocean wildlife is with one breath. Lennart is a certified freediver and made it his objective to interact in the most natural and safe way for all beings involved.